Normandy is basking in beautiful sunshine
as I write,
with wide cloudless blue skies as far as the eye can see.
In our garden the apple, cherry, pear, lilac and ornamental cherry trees
are all fit to burst!
To quote American poet William Cullen Bryant (no relation)...................
There is no glory in star or blossom
till looked upon by a loving eye;
There is no fragrance in April breezes
till breathed with joy as they wander by.
I'm wearing flip flops and suffering just a bit with hay fever!
On Sunday morning we spent time mooching around the vide grenier
(literal translation: empty attic) in Le Molay Littry.
In the UK they call them "car boots".
I think in North America you call them yard sales?
There were about 50+ stalls,
most of them laden with second hand/pre-loved children's clothes, toys and books.
Plenty of hand tools, garden/farming implements, engine parts and such.
Not too many antiques of note but loads of junk!
And toy cars, lots and lots of toy cars.